
The Sentinel is an electronic instrument designed by Staša. Taking the shape of a butterfly – one of nature’s ‘sentinel species’, which tell us that our climate is changing -, it is a kind of theremin, which we can interact with by moving our hands closer to and further from the wings.

In this workshop, we will build our own Sentinels through a process of etching the design onto acetate and soldering the circuit. Let the Sentinels be a noisy warning for you to take care of the environment you share with other organisms!

Staša Guček
sound researcher, visual artist, noise musician


Number of participants:

4 - 6

Target age group:

15 years or more


6 hours - 12 hours

The facilitator will bring:

All materials required

Provided by the host:

Space, tables, one power supply and soldering iron per person