Morana is an ancient Slavic goddess of death and winter. She denotes the end of frost and wintertime and the rebirth of nature. The name comes from ‘mare’ or ‘mara’, a malicious entity in Slavic and Germanic folklore, associated with nightmares and sleep paralysis. She rides on people’s chests while they sleep, suppressing them, bringing on bad dreams.
The MORAna choker is a DIY analog instrument developed by Staša, which senses vibrations of vocal cords. It is a set up of few piezo discs which detect audio vibrations through contact with solid objects and they transduce only structure-borne sound. In this workshop, we will each build our own MORAna chokers.

Staša Guček
sound researcher, visual artist, noise musician


Number of participants:


Target age group:

15 years or more


3 hours - 4 hours

The facilitator will bring:

DIY kits (at cost of 20 EUR/person)

Provided by the host:

one soldering iron/person, pliers/person, 3-4 tables, 3-4 power strips