Background/aims: This activity provides a simple, experiential introduction to graphic sound in Lavoslava’s workshop. Graphic sound (drawn sound) is produced by converting images or other visual elements to audio. In this activity, a mobile application is used to convert light signals coming into the phone’s camera into a sound. Participants use the app to explore their environment in synthesised sound.

Step 1: Participants download the PhonoPaper application onto their devices (available on Android/iPhone for free). Next, they open the app, click on the menu (three short lines on the left side) and choose the ‘Free’ mode. Now the app will scan everything that is in front of the white line on the screen.

Step 2: Participants take a walk across the room or space and scan whatever they want. Encourage them to observe: how the sound changes as we scan objects of different materials, colours and textures; the differences between objects that receive more sunlight and the ones in the dark; how the sound changes as we move closer to the object and as we scan it from a bigger distance. It is recommended that participants use headphones so they don’t disturb each other.