
The Sentinel is an electronic instrument designed by Staša. Taking the shape of a butterfly – one of nature’s ‘sentinel species’, which tell us that our climate is changing -, it is a kind of theremin, which we can interact with by moving our hands closer to and further from the wings. In this workshop, […]

Concert of Plants

In this workshop, we will explore how a midi device, capacitive triggers and virtual synthesizers function and how to use them in the field of sound art. We will use up to 18 different natural soft triggers to make a single midi device. Plants from the natural environment will be used as the visual images […]


Morana is an ancient Slavic goddess of death and winter. She denotes the end of frost and wintertime and the rebirth of nature. The name comes from ‘mare’ or ‘mara’, a malicious entity in Slavic and Germanic folklore, associated with nightmares and sleep paralysis. She rides on people’s chests while they sleep, suppressing them, bringing […]

Handpan – Sound sculpture

Boris presents Handpan (or hang drum) in an intuitive way – the only new melodic instrument invented in the 21st century. Boris says: Handpan is a very interesting instrument, pretty simple to learn the basics, but gets quite complex when one dives deeper. Through simple improvisational exercises, listening techniques and exploring the handpan in small […]

Everyone can make music

Jan brings the creation of music and rhythm closer to young people using everyday objects and home-made instruments. Under his guidance, they create music with random objects – they create rhythm, random creative musical patterns, express themselves spontaneously, actively listen to their peers and, with the help of all of the above, train their sense […]

Healing songs about Mother Nature

Inka Pachi begins by introducing participants to his indigenous Peruvian culture, part of which is singing songs about Mother Nature (PachmMami). In this way, he brings encourages them to revere and respect all living creatures, and encourages them to nurture their relationship with Nature. The participants then learn songs about Mother Nature and sing them […]

Green songwriting

Kyle makes songwriting fun and easy in his step-by-step workshop. Tailor made for children and youth, it opens the door to songwriting for complete beginners. Kyle creates a safe and friendly environment for participants to experiment with writing music and lyrics in a structured process. After some icebreakers, participants divide into small groups to form […]

Lego composer

Nejc compares composing with assembling Lego bricks and, in this way, shows young people how easy it is to make music – they are introduced to the basic musical building blocks, which they then later use in practice. During the workshop, they are invited to contribute their own ideas to the composition process (especially melodies […]

Tra-la-la: A playful introduction to voice and singing

The aim of the workshop is getting to know and feel one’s own voice, and to express oneself creatively. Young people are invited to explore and observe their voice outside of everyday usage and will be encouraged to express themselves in a given moment through words, movement, sound or singing. We will observe the connection […]

Exploring bodies with natural sound objects

We will present how to work with sound and the healing characteristics of sound waves. Through the practical part of the workshop, we will invite young people to become aware of their state of mind and body and how they change. Through individual and paired exercises, they will learn methods for balancing them using therapeutic […]