Carnival in Rio (a Theatre of The Oppressed exercise variation)
Background and aims: Metka encourages expression through voice and theatre methods in her workshop which invites reflection on group dynamics and nurturing collaboration and cooperation. This exercise allows participants to express vocally, but abstractly, how they feel. Step 1: The workshop facilitator marks out the area for the participants to walk (when working outdoors – […]
Play Your Day
Background and aims: Jenny is a music therapist who shared some of her methods with us on our Kick-Off event. She uses this activity to get the young people she works with to open up a bit. Through playing an instrument, they can demonstrate how they’re feeling without verbalising – the dynamics and their mode […]
Free Improvisation on Objects
Background and aims: Jan aims to break down barriers to creating music with this workshop. Participants are invited to bring everyday objects from home to use in a freestyle jam. Step 1: Set a rhythm on a phone/tablet/computer. You can use an app such as… for this purpose. It helps to keep the group together […]
Sounding the environment with Phonopaper
Background/aims: This activity provides a simple, experiential introduction to graphic sound in Lavoslava’s workshop. Graphic sound (drawn sound) is produced by converting images or other visual elements to audio. In this activity, a mobile application is used to convert light signals coming into the phone’s camera into a sound. Participants use the app to explore […]
Group melodies
Background and aims: In this workshop, Ana guides participants in getting in touch with their voice and body, to create polymelodies and polyrhythms. In this exercise, participants improvise melodies in small groups. Step 1: Participants divide into small groups (up to 5). Each group has its own sound, which it repeats. Together, the group puts […]
One-clap improvisation
Background and aims: Jaka uses this activity as a part of his introduction to improvisation, and the transferable skills it can give us for life. The aim is to get participants to start listening and responding to each other and the world around them. It is the first step in the workshop, the focus of […]
BADU (a Theatre of The Oppressed exercise variation)
Background and aims: Metka encourages expression through voice and theatre methods in her workshop which focuses on reflection on group dynamics and nurturing collaboration and cooperation. This exercise creates a starting point for connection between members of a group. Step 1: All participants stand in one big circle. The mentor shows the participants a simple […]
Name songs
Background and aims: In her workshop, Danaja presents methods for working with young children in music. This activity is designed to help the facilitator get to know the children and the children get to know each other at the start of a session. Step 1: The workshop facilitator sings a song with their name in […]
Free singing warm-up
Background and aims: This exercise is to warm up the vocal cords and body in preparation for the main part of Žiga’s workshop. It also gets participants started in expressing themselves freely with their voice and in the process of becoming grounded in their bodies – connected and ready to explore their creativity and common […]
Pulse as rhythm, rhythm as pulse
Background and aims: Camilo’s workshop uses cumbia as a way to connect participants with their bodies and each other. Cumbia is rhythmical music that was born in the Colombian Caribbean region. This is the first exercise in the workshop, wherein Camilo shows how rhythm begins in, and flows through, our bodies. Step 1: Participants stand […]